Chesapeake Union Exempted Village Schools News Article

Supporting School Safety - Board Resolution

School Safety


(Supporting school safety and reducing violence in schools)


WHEREAS, school violence has become an epidemic in the United States of America;

WHEREAS, the children and school employees of our nation deserve to attend school without fear of death or injury, and their families deserve to send them to school without the same fear;


WHEREAS, there is a mutual responsibility of all citizens to address this problem and the responsibility for preventing violent incidents cannot be relegated to school districts alone;


WHEREAS, multiple studies have shown that the majority of Americans support action to eliminate violence in our schools;


WHEREAS, school board members, administrators, employees and community members should work together with lawmakers, legal counsel, law enforcement and security experts to determine how best to ensure student safety in their district;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chesapeake Union Exempted Village School District Board of Education implores the President of the United States, the Governor of the State of Ohio, the United States Congress, and the Ohio General Assembly to prioritize the protection of students and school employees by enacting legislation with funding for the following: 
1.   Enhanced mental health services and substance abuse treatment so that all individuals, including children, have sufficient access to these services.

2.   Increased access to school safety measures, including, but not limited to, School ResourceOfficers (SROs), school safety infrastructure, and other security measures designed to protect students and staff from an active shooter on school grounds.

3.   Training for school employees and enhanced coordination with law enforcement agencies and first responders to ensure appropriate responses to incidents of violence in schools.

4.   Preserving the balance between the right to own firearms and the protection of students and school employees from any act of violence.

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